Visiting the Chiropractor for the First Time

Visiting the Chiropractor for the First Time

If you are using 2BenefitU’s Chiropractic Benefit, you may find yourself visiting a chiropractor for the very first time. You may be anxious, curious, and not sure about what to expect, how to act, how to dress, or what will happen. This do’s and don’ts guide can help your first visit be a success!

Do make sure your personal hygiene is on point. Don’t work out right before an adjustment. If you can get a quick shower in before you head out to the chiropractor’s office, do so, and take it easy on the perfume, cologne, or deodorant. The chiropractor will be right up in your personal space so think about that.

Don’t be self-conscious about your appointment. Think of it as a needed medical procedure, and relax. The chiropractor is a professional, and they are providing you with health care so don’t be nervous.

Do wear comfortable, appropriate clothing. Avoid garments that might shift around too much and cause an embarrassing outfit malfunction, but also don’t wear clothing that is too tight and restrictive. The chiropractor will be focusing on your spine, so hip hugging leggings and a comfortable T-shirt would be fine for a girl; a tee and board shorts for a guy.

Don’t make any assumptions about your treatment. Be prepared for the chiropractor to ask you to sit, stand, lie down, and move your body – and for him or her to manipulate your body during the exam and treatment. They may also ask to see any x-rays or CT scans / MRIs you have had done to make sure they don’t cause any problems.

Do plan on aftercare, especially after the first few appointments. It’s not unusual to feel sore as your body is encouraged back into alignment. A hot bath with Epsom salts can do wonders. Try to schedule appointments near the end of the day so you can relax afterwards.

Don’t tip your chiropractor. They aren’t a massage therapist providing a luxury service – they are health care professionals providing you with needed and appropriate care. Treat them like you would any other doctor who is seeing to your needs.

Do plan on regular adjustments until your body learns how to function properly again. Most people don’t see a chiropractor until their issues are severe and have been going on for a long time. It can take multiple visits to get your spine into alignment.

Visiting a chiropractor can be a little scary but knowing what to expect and how to act and dress can relieve your anxiety and make your visits comfortable and productive.

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