Stress, Back Pain, and Chiropractic Methods

Holidays are fast approaching, and added stress can cause back and neck pain as well as headaches, hip and joint pain, and more. It’s easy to get out of alignment when your body and mind are going a hundred different directions at once!

This goes double for workers in retail, warehouses, factories, and those who sit at desk all day long, hunched over a keyboard or squinting at a screen. Demands made by family, kids, bosses, co-workers, friends, church groups and volunteerism can wear you down and give you extra aches and pains.

Cold weather tops off the list of things that can make you hurt all over. However, pain meds are just a way to mask real problems – and an adjustment to your body itself could relieve a lot of the sensitivity you may be experiencing.

Why a Chiropractic Benefit?

Typical health plans either don’t cover chiropractic treatments, or offer a very small, capped reimbursement for a fixed number of visits per year. This means those who can benefit from a chiropractic treatment must often simply pay out of pocket for their care or seek out the cheapest practitioner in town.

About UHS Chiropractic™

This benefit, which is just one of the many you’ll receive with a plan from 2BenefitU, gives you access to the UHS Chiropractic™ network. This network has over 3,000 qualified chiropractors participating nationwide, all of whom will offer you a free initial consultation to determine the source of your pain.

Once the course of treatment is determined, you’ll be able to book your sessions at a discount; 50% off of diagnostic procedures and x-rays on-site at the chiropractic office, and 30% off most treatments and other services! Every member of your household can use this benefit, and if you already have a chiropractor, you can nominate him or her to be part of the UHS™ network.

If you don’t have a chiropractor, you can use the UHS™ member portal to find a provider near you, or call the toll free number for help. When you make your appointment with the chiropractor, tell them “I’m with UHS™,” and they will automatically apply your discount and supply you with a receipt which you can submit to your insurance company if they do reimburse any portion of chiropractic treatment costs.

Why wait to start feeling better? The Chiropractic Benefit and over 20 more are included in household plans starting at just $19.95 per month.

Health, Wealth, and Happiness – There’s a Connection!

Your money and your wellbeing could be inextricably linked, according to studies from the CDC, which reveal that 4/5 of people with chronic illness have their condition caused or severely exacerbated by stress – and that ¾ of healthcare costs are due to chronic illness. Some of the signs of stress related illness include:

  • Headaches / migraines
  • Stomach trouble / IBS / ulcers
  • Shoulder, back, and neck pain
  • Dental issues (tooth grinding and clenching, bruxism)
  • Sleeplessness, insomnia, and fatigue

Most people cite the following in all or part as contributing to their stress levels:

  • Issues with finances (including medical bills and student debt)
  • Issues at work (including wages and / or scheduling)
  • Issues at school (including worries over tuition and bullying)
  • Issues at home (including family, kids, spouses, and pets)

If your everyday level of anxiety is high, it could be contributing to how you feel physically. For many people, just a little more financial security can make a big change in how they feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Since health and wealth are connected, improving one can improve the other.

The Health Wealth Connection Benefit from 2BenefitU

This benefit is ideal for those seeking to regain some control over their finances and their physical health. The connection offers a fully customizable approach to your needs, with features like a financial planner who can help you balance your budget, save money, get rid of debt, and create a five or ten year plan.

You’ll also have a health coach who can provide tips for sleeping, exercise, and fitness options as well as reminders to visit the doctor, dentist, and other medical professionals on a regular basis for check ups and tune ups.

A nutritionist will deliver all kinds of healthy ideas and fun recipes to you, along with recipes, dietary tips, calorie counting, and weight loss. Finally, your mental and emotional health can be addressed by a counselor to help you manage or eliminate anxiety, frustration, stress, and depression.

The Health Wealth Connection gives you access to a vast library of information you can use to make your day to day life better and create a future to work towards.  You’ll love the weekly tips on health, money, and managing stress, and it’s well worth it when you consider you get over a dozen other benefits  with our plan starting at just $15.95 a month.

The Holidays are Too Busy for Illnesses!

The Holidays are Too Busy for Illnesses!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again, and you’ve got travel plans to make, bags to pack, last minute work obligations, and more to do – Being sick just isn’t an option.

Of course, that’s when you always get sick and so does everyone else. The ERs start to overflow, the doctors’ offices are packed and have no appointments open, and you can’t stand the thought of having to take four days to lie in bed eating chicken soup and hoping for a turn for the better.

The good news is, you don’t have to tough it out or wait helplessly for a doctor’s appointment. Telemedicine is changing the way people can receive routine care for things like colds, the flu, bronchitis, laryngitis, and more. 92% of conditions people are normally seen for a doctor in this office are things which can be diagnosed, treatment recommended, and even prescriptions write for over a Telemedicine consult.

How does Telemedicine Work?

If you have the telemedicine benefit from 2BenefitU, it’s incredibly easy to get appropriate medical care via a quick phone or video call.  You simply pick up the phone and speak to a board-certified physician who can diagnose many common conditions right over the phone. They will listen to you, ask questions, consult with specialists if needed, and then prescribe basic (non-controlled) medications, and advise you on at-home care for yourself or your child.

If the presenting condition is determined to be serious, they’ll also let you know if it’s time to go to the doctor, an urgent care location or ER. You don’t have to suffer or watch a family member suffer. You don’t have to take time off from work or school to travel to a doctor or medical care center and wait for hours. You don’t even have to leave your couch or your desk – just pick up a phone.

Telemedicine is Ideal for the Whole Family

The Telemedicine option offers you an easy, effective way to get a quick, effective diagnosis and treatment without having to trade off valuable work time and family obligations. You’ll most likely be feeling better in next to no time, and able to resume making your plans to spend time with friends and family over the holidays.

Telemedicine covers the whole family, so one monthly subscription price (plans start at $15.95 per month) will ensure you have instant medical consultations available whenever you need them. Sign up with 2BenefitU, and get Telemedicine and many other bundled enhanced health and wellness benefits today!

10 Tips for Living with Braces

10 Tips for Living with Braces

Living with braces can be a big adjustment! It’s hard to get used to the new feel of the inside of your mouth and the surfaces of your teeth. However, with proper care and maintenance, and a little time, you’ll soon be accustomed to your braces and when they finally come off you’ll be surprised at how quickly time has passed. These 12 tips can make living with braces easier!

  1. When you first get braces, plan to be eating soft foods for a few days – like oatmeal, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, and smoothies. Your mouth will be just a little sore from the fitting and the feel of the braces against your inner lips may make them tender. You can put some wax on your braces to ease the transition.
  2. Up your oral hygiene game. Brushing and flossing is even more important now, as food particles and bacteria can get stuck behind braces. Your dentist will show you how to brush and floss with braces on.
  3. Stay away from sticky foods and foods high in starch or sugar as well as hard foods and candies. Anything you have to bite into such as chicken on the bone, corn on the cob, or even whole apples can be hard on your braces so cut everything up and take small bites.
  4. Don’t chew or bite on things. Pencils, pens, fingernails – all of these can do damage to your braces and the alignment of your teeth and lengthen your course of treatment.
  5. Use mouthwash to help kill bacteria in your mouth after lunch and snacks, when you can’t brush or floss. You can also use intraoral dental pics to get at food stuck behind braces.
  6. Don’t use whitening products on your teeth while you have braces. The whitener won’t be able to get to the enamel where the braces are attached, and you’ll end up with spots on your teeth when the braces come off. You can have a professional tooth whitening done as a celebratory gift to yourself when the treatment is over.
  7. Check your braces and wires regularly for signs of damage, and go to the dentist immediately if there are any issues. If you have to cut a wire, use strong fingernail clippers that were sterilized with alcohol.
  8. Don’t panic if teeth feel slightly loose. Teeth may feel slightly loose at times as they shift position, and will become firmly stuck in place again soon.
  9. If you play sports, a mouthguard is a must; even if you don’t wear braces it’s a good idea. This can prevent damage to your teeth, lips and gums in case of a face impact.
  10. Don’t forget to smile! Don’t be self-conscious about your braces. Lots of people have braces and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. In just 12-24 months your smile will be as gorgeous as you always hoped it would be.

Our Dental Benefit can make getting braces easier. Get the smile you’ve always wanted!

Visiting the Chiropractor for the First Time

Visiting the Chiropractor for the First Time

If you are using 2BenefitU’s Chiropractic Benefit, you may find yourself visiting a chiropractor for the very first time. You may be anxious, curious, and not sure about what to expect, how to act, how to dress, or what will happen. This do’s and don’ts guide can help your first visit be a success!

Do make sure your personal hygiene is on point. Don’t work out right before an adjustment. If you can get a quick shower in before you head out to the chiropractor’s office, do so, and take it easy on the perfume, cologne, or deodorant. The chiropractor will be right up in your personal space so think about that.

Don’t be self-conscious about your appointment. Think of it as a needed medical procedure, and relax. The chiropractor is a professional, and they are providing you with health care so don’t be nervous.

Do wear comfortable, appropriate clothing. Avoid garments that might shift around too much and cause an embarrassing outfit malfunction, but also don’t wear clothing that is too tight and restrictive. The chiropractor will be focusing on your spine, so hip hugging leggings and a comfortable T-shirt would be fine for a girl; a tee and board shorts for a guy.

Don’t make any assumptions about your treatment. Be prepared for the chiropractor to ask you to sit, stand, lie down, and move your body – and for him or her to manipulate your body during the exam and treatment. They may also ask to see any x-rays or CT scans / MRIs you have had done to make sure they don’t cause any problems.

Do plan on aftercare, especially after the first few appointments. It’s not unusual to feel sore as your body is encouraged back into alignment. A hot bath with Epsom salts can do wonders. Try to schedule appointments near the end of the day so you can relax afterwards.

Don’t tip your chiropractor. They aren’t a massage therapist providing a luxury service – they are health care professionals providing you with needed and appropriate care. Treat them like you would any other doctor who is seeing to your needs.

Do plan on regular adjustments until your body learns how to function properly again. Most people don’t see a chiropractor until their issues are severe and have been going on for a long time. It can take multiple visits to get your spine into alignment.

Visiting a chiropractor can be a little scary but knowing what to expect and how to act and dress can relieve your anxiety and make your visits comfortable and productive.

Do You Need Durable Medical Equipment or Diabetic Management Supplies-

Do You Need Durable Medical Equipment or Diabetic Management Supplies?

If a person who has been hospitalized and is being discharged with a treatment plan which includes durable medical equipment, the person responsible for getting those items will vary.

  • If a return home is in the offing, the hospital discharge planner (usually a nurse or social worker) will assist with ordering.  
  • If home care is planned through a certified agency, the nurse or supervisor should to arrange delivery of necessary equipment and disposable supplies.
  • Is a trip to a rehabilitation and physical therapy facility is in the offing, equipment will be available – on release, a physical therapist is supposed to evaluate the need for home equipment and coordinate the ordering.

Doctors may also prescribe health management supplies such as nutrition supplements or needles for insulin injections and other diabetic supplies. For incontinent patients, extra bed and lifestyle supplies may be needed as well. A responsible person – whether the patient or the caregiver – must ensure the proper equipment is ordered and delivered on time.

If the discharge of a patient is sudden, the care plan may not be discussed until the last minute, leaving little or no time to plan for and obtain durable equipment and supplies. Equipment used in the hospital may not be available for home use, and some discharge planners may order inappropriate equipment and supplies if they are not aware of a patient’s specific needs and the home environment.

In addition, many discharge planners may have already had conversations with insurance companies, and may present the equipment option for which the insurer will pay – this may not be the best option, so ask for all the options and figure out what will work best for the patient’s unique needs and situation.  If more suitable equipment must be paid out-of-pocket, it may be necessary to find cost effective options.

2BenefitU’s Durable Medical Equipment Benefit can help you get the supplies and equipment you need for your loved one at a good price with fast delivery. You can order by phone, and enjoy quick service and exactly the supplies you need sent right to your door, including huge savings:

You can save 20% to 50% and an additional $5 on orders over $100. Save on walking aids, wheelchairs, scooters, hospital beds, bathroom safety, orthopedic products and more.

In addition, the 2BenefitU Diabetic Management Benefit can help you save money on things like test strips, lancets, and more – making your out of pocket medical costs lower and helping you keep your family member comfortable, safe, and healthy.

Fall Travel Tips: Roadside Safety in Case of Breakdown

What should you do in case of a vehicular breakdown on your cross country fall road trip? All breakdowns are not equal – there’s not one size fits all procedure, However, there are some safety measures that apply just about to any occasion, so find out what you should do in case you have a breakdown.

Turn Your Hazard Lights On

Visibility is key, so make sure those hazard lights work and turn them on at the first sign of trouble. The flashing lights let people know to slow down and pay attention, and you can often signal with your arm out the window to indicate a need to cross lanes and get off the road if people are going slow enough.

Pull Over as Far as Possible

Pull onto the shoulder if at all possible to prevent your car from becoming a road hazard to other drivers. Get as far off the road as you can. For some reason, especially at night and in bad weather, a pulled over vehicle acts like a magnet if a driver is impaired or tired, and more accidents happen involving pulled over vehicles than you would think.

Make Yourself Even More Visible

Lift the hood, tie a white rag or cloth to an antenna, and place road hazard triangles to the traffic side of your vehicle if possible. This lets people know to be wary and makes you more easily seen by assistance or police.

Decide Whether or Not to Stay in the Car

If you feel there is a chance your car will be hit be oncoming traffic, get out and move to a safe place. If you are in a rural area or well off to the side, staying in your car may be the best bet. Keep your seat belt buckled if there is lots of traffic around you just in case the car is impacted. Don’t stand behind or next to the vehicle.

Change Tires Carefully

If you just have a flat, know how to change a tire, and have all the appropriate tools as well as a spare on a rim. You may decide to change the tire yourself. Make sure you are as far off the side as possible, and have a spotter watching traffic if you have someone else with you.

Don’t Flag Down Strangers

The National Safety Council recommends to not try to flag down other vehicles or solicit the help of passing motorists. Call for help using your 2BenefitU Roadside Assistance Benefit and wait patiently for help to arrive. You will soon be back on the road, or safely towed.

Tax Tips

Fourth Quarter Tax Tips for Small Businesses

October through December is the fourth and final quarter of the tax year. Planning ahead can help your next fiscal year start off properly, so here are some tips and important dates to remember before wrapping up your small business’ books for the year.

File any unfiled taxes. October 17 is the deadline to file the previous year’s individual federal income tax returns through automatic extension.

Pay any anticipated taxes. October marks the final due date for quarterly taxes; if you know you will owe, estimating the total and paying ¼ of it every quarter can keep you from having penalties.

Delay additional income. If you think you will fall into a lower tax bracket in the coming year, delay any bonuses if possible until after January 1st. This can keep your taxes owed on additional income at a minimum.

Maximize tax benefits. If you can recognize a loss on stock transactions to offset gains, do it; also remember to check for capital loss carryovers from previous years that could affect this year’s final records.

Take advantage of pre-tax sheltering. Start a 529 plan for a child in your family, or set up an FSA for employees to contribute to.

Give money away. Charitable contributions to qualifying organizations are tax deductible. Top off your charitable giving before the end of the year. You can also gift up to $14,000 a year to anyone you want, without any tax consequences.

Are you eligible for Medicare? If so, annual open enrollment begins in October, and ends in early December. It’s time to figure out what this means for you, and make plans for your future health care options.

Pay outstanding medical bills. If you are under your cap, paying bills before year’s end can increase your total deduction in the following tax filing.    

Check your stock losses. November 30 is the last day to figure out if your stock trades are subject to “wash sale” rules – losses are disallowed if buying and selling of identical securities happens within a 30-day period.

Pay off any tax deductible amounts owed. Anything tax deductible paid by December 30th can be deducted from next year’s taxes.

Remember, if you have a tax question or need help, 2BenefitU’s Tax Helpline Benefit can give you peace of mind and steer you in the right direction.