
Stress, Back Pain, and Chiropractic Methods

Holidays are fast approaching, and added stress can cause back and neck pain as well as headaches, hip and joint pain, and more. It’s easy to get out of alignment when your body and mind are going a hundred different directions at once!

This goes double for workers in retail, warehouses, factories, and those who sit at desk all day long, hunched over a keyboard or squinting at a screen. Demands made by family, kids, bosses, co-workers, friends, church groups and volunteerism can wear you down and give you extra aches and pains.

Cold weather tops off the list of things that can make you hurt all over. However, pain meds are just a way to mask real problems – and an adjustment to your body itself could relieve a lot of the sensitivity you may be experiencing.

Why a Chiropractic Benefit?

Typical health plans either don’t cover chiropractic treatments, or offer a very small, capped reimbursement for a fixed number of visits per year. This means those who can benefit from a chiropractic treatment must often simply pay out of pocket for their care or seek out the cheapest practitioner in town.

About UHS Chiropractic™

This benefit, which is just one of the many you’ll receive with a plan from 2BenefitU, gives you access to the UHS Chiropractic™ network. This network has over 3,000 qualified chiropractors participating nationwide, all of whom will offer you a free initial consultation to determine the source of your pain.

Once the course of treatment is determined, you’ll be able to book your sessions at a discount; 50% off of diagnostic procedures and x-rays on-site at the chiropractic office, and 30% off most treatments and other services! Every member of your household can use this benefit, and if you already have a chiropractor, you can nominate him or her to be part of the UHS™ network.

If you don’t have a chiropractor, you can use the UHS™ member portal to find a provider near you, or call the toll free number for help. When you make your appointment with the chiropractor, tell them “I’m with UHS™,” and they will automatically apply your discount and supply you with a receipt which you can submit to your insurance company if they do reimburse any portion of chiropractic treatment costs.

Why wait to start feeling better? The Chiropractic Benefit and over 20 more are included in household plans starting at just $19.95 per month.

Visiting the Chiropractor for the First Time

Visiting the Chiropractor for the First Time

If you are using 2BenefitU’s Chiropractic Benefit, you may find yourself visiting a chiropractor for the very first time. You may be anxious, curious, and not sure about what to expect, how to act, how to dress, or what will happen. This do’s and don’ts guide can help your first visit be a success!

Do make sure your personal hygiene is on point. Don’t work out right before an adjustment. If you can get a quick shower in before you head out to the chiropractor’s office, do so, and take it easy on the perfume, cologne, or deodorant. The chiropractor will be right up in your personal space so think about that.

Don’t be self-conscious about your appointment. Think of it as a needed medical procedure, and relax. The chiropractor is a professional, and they are providing you with health care so don’t be nervous.

Do wear comfortable, appropriate clothing. Avoid garments that might shift around too much and cause an embarrassing outfit malfunction, but also don’t wear clothing that is too tight and restrictive. The chiropractor will be focusing on your spine, so hip hugging leggings and a comfortable T-shirt would be fine for a girl; a tee and board shorts for a guy.

Don’t make any assumptions about your treatment. Be prepared for the chiropractor to ask you to sit, stand, lie down, and move your body – and for him or her to manipulate your body during the exam and treatment. They may also ask to see any x-rays or CT scans / MRIs you have had done to make sure they don’t cause any problems.

Do plan on aftercare, especially after the first few appointments. It’s not unusual to feel sore as your body is encouraged back into alignment. A hot bath with Epsom salts can do wonders. Try to schedule appointments near the end of the day so you can relax afterwards.

Don’t tip your chiropractor. They aren’t a massage therapist providing a luxury service – they are health care professionals providing you with needed and appropriate care. Treat them like you would any other doctor who is seeing to your needs.

Do plan on regular adjustments until your body learns how to function properly again. Most people don’t see a chiropractor until their issues are severe and have been going on for a long time. It can take multiple visits to get your spine into alignment.

Visiting a chiropractor can be a little scary but knowing what to expect and how to act and dress can relieve your anxiety and make your visits comfortable and productive.

Chiropractic Relief

Three Conditions You Didn’t Know a Chiropractor Could Help With

Chiropractors don’t just treat tweaked backs, sore necks, and kinked spinal columns. There are many conditions that can be improved by chiropractic treatment, including:

Chronic Headaches

Headaches can ruin an afternoon, a whole day, or – in severe cases – a week or more. Chronic headaches can be tension or stress induced, or you may suffer from migraines that have a more neurological component and leave you disoriented and disabled. Not all headaches can be treated with chiropractic measures, but tension headaches and headaches that begin in the neck can often benefit from spinal manipulation that relieves stress, alleviates muscle tension and joint irritation, and eases or reduces headache pain. Many patients find that regular “adjustments” lead to a reduction in the number of headaches they have as well as a lessening of pain when they do have a headache.

Anxiety or Stress

There are three main kinds of stress triggers – body, mind, and environmental. Something as simple as noise, weather, time crunches and performance expectations can cause stress, as can physical illness, mental distress, or a variety of other causes. When you are stressed, the hypothalamus in your brain goes into overdrive. It stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, causing an increase in heart rate, blood volume and blood pressure, which can eventually lead to very real conditions such as high blood pressure, muscle tissue damage, diabetes, infertility, immune system compromise and more. A chiropractor isn’t a magician, but sometimes spinal manipulation can reduce nerve irritation and release muscle tension, relaxing the body and reducing the flight or fight response that pain sends to the brain.


Fibromyalgia is diagnosed in patients who typically have a minimum of 11 out of 18 specific tender points on the body, plus symptoms such as long-term fatigue, mood disorders, and insomnia.  People with FM may also present with additional conditions such as IBS, TMJ, psychological conditions, and / or some autoimmune diseases. This widespread pain and sensitivity throughout the entire musculoskeletal systems is thought to affect about 2 percent of the United States population. In one study, 60 percent of the subjects treated by a chiropractor experienced a significant improvement: reduced pain, improved sleep and decreased fatigue, as pressure points can be relieved and nerve pain reduced with proper manipulation.

With 2BenefitU’s Chiropractic Benefit, you can get discounted care from a chiropractor and have these and other conditions treated in a way that may provide more or different relief than you can obtain through regular medical channels.*

* This information is not provided as medical advice and should not be taken as such. Please consult your doctor before obtaining treatment of any kind.

Don’t Resign Yourself to Back and Neck Pain – Chiropractic Relief is in Reach

Don’t Resign Yourself to Back and Neck Pain – Chiropractic Relief is in Reach

A tweaked back or stiff neck can make everyday tasks a misery. Painkillers only mask the problem, without treating the root cause of the problem. In many cases, a simple chiropractic adjustment is all that is needed- but typical health plans either don’t cover chiropractic treatment at all, or offer only the smallest reimbursable benefit, usually capped at a set number of visits per year.

Going without treatment simply may not be an option- back and neck pain can cause a variety of painful symptoms, including migraines, and most people can’t afford to lie in bed until they feel better. Work, children, and other responsibilities demand that you be in working order.

Many people are forced to cover their neck and back adjustments out of pocket, adding yet another financial hurdle in the path of feeling better. However, there is a way to get discounted chiropractic treatment from qualified practitioners!

How Our Chiropractic Benefit Works:

When you use this benefit, you are part of the UHS Chiropractic™ network. This means you get:

  • Access to over 3,000 chiropractors nationwide
  • A free initial consultation to determine the source of your pain
  • 50% off of diagnostic procedures and x-rays on-site at the chiropractic office
  • 30% off most treatments and other services

If more than one member of your household needs chiropractic treatment, or you need more than a few visits per month or year, it’s all eligible for the discounts!

How to Use this Benefit:

If you already have a chiropractor, you can nominate him or her to be part of the UHS™ network – all you have to do is fill out a simple form and they’ll be contacted and asked if they would like to join. If you don’t have a chiropractor, you can use the member portal to find a provider near you, or call the toll free number and a patient care liaison will help you find one.

When you make your appointment, simply say “I’m with UHS™,” and your discount will be automatically applied. If your insurance does reimburse any portion of chiropractic fees, you can then submit the receipt to them for additional savings.

Get the relief you need from joint, back, and head pain with chiropractic treatment professionals. With 2BenefitU, this service is available along with over 20 more in household plans starting at just $19.95 per month.