
Eight Easy Ways to Start Saving Money This Year

Eight Easy Ways to Start Saving Money This Year

The goal most Americans should be striving for is to put back 20% of their earnings into savings – but research shows that the average American is only saving 5.5% and many save none at all. How can you increase your savings and still maintain the lifestyle you want?

  1. Meal planning is one of the best ways to save money. By creating a plan for your week, shopping according to a strict list, and only allowing yourself to eat out when planned, you can save hundreds of dollars each year. Instead of driving through for fast food three time a week for lunch, brown bag it and treat yourself to one nice meal at a real restaurant twice a month. You’ll enjoy it more, and still save money.
  2. Cut the cable cord and go wireless instead. With even channels like HBO now available a-la carte, there’s no excuse for paying for packages with 50000 channels you never watch. Pick up a Netflix subscription and catch your shows online with an Amazon Fire Stick.
  3. Ditch your single gym membership. Using a ClassPass or picking up classes through discount online programs like Groupon will keep you motivated and let you switch up your workout. You can try cycling, yoga, Pilates, barre, strength training, boot camp, dance and more without multiple memberships.
  4. Host a potluck party instead of going out for drinks with friends. If everyone agrees to BYOB plus a dish, you can all eat, drink, and watch a movie and have just as much fun for a fraction of the price, Take turns hosting.
  5. Travel cheap. Vacationing can be inexpensive when you find a place to stay on Airbnb, Travelmob or Housetrip. You can often find a place that has a kitchen so you can cook instead of eating out, and visit local sights and museums in the locale where you are staying for a vacation that is fun and relaxed.  
  6. Make your own coffee. While visiting coffee shops and dropping $4 to $5 on coffee every day feels fun and special, it adds up tremendously. Invest in a high grade coffee maker and high end thermos, and learn to make your own gourmet coffees.
  7. Stop and wait before you buy. Click and buy options online make it easy to overdo with instant gratification. Imposing a 48 hour stay on any new purchases over a certain $$ amount can let you reconsider if you really need the item.
  8. Use VIP Savings when you do shop. 2BenfitU’s VIP Savings Benefit can let you save money every day on things you would be buying anyway, so don’t miss out on the chance to take advantage of this benefit!

Every time you save money, take the dollar and change amount and deposit it in a savings account, at the end of the year, you’ll be amazed at how much you saved!

What are the Differences Between CT Scan and MRI-

What are the Differences Between a CT Scan and an MRI?

Ever been told you needed an MRI or a CT scan? Wonder what the difference is? If all you know is that the MRI is the big machine that goes RRR RRRR RRRRR and the CT is the other one, be prepared to learn!

CT Scans

A CT scan or Computed Tomography uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology. It can take the data and create a detailed, cross-sectional image of the body, including tissues, organs or tumors.

  • CT scans are used to get a closer look at the bony structures, soft tissues and organs in your body, to diagnose infections, and to identify masses and tumors or reach the right area during surgery or biopsy. CT scans can also be utilized to study blood vessels, and can be used with contrast in soft tissues.
  • CT scans take diagnostic images quickly; you normally won’t spend more than 5 minutes to take an image. As the scanner has a fast imaging speed, it offers images with high resolution and low motion artifact, or “jitter”.
  • CT scans involves radiation, which is usually the same amount you usually receive from background radiation in 3-5 years. You should not have a CT scan performed if you’re pregnant.
  • CT scans are less expensive than MRIs, are good for patients with claustrophobia (since you don’t have to be in an enclosed space), and are the only option if you have metal in your body.


MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging is another diagnostic imaging technique used to produce cross-sectional images of your body. It uses a sophisticated computer and magnetic fields to take high-resolution images of your soft tissues and bones.  

  • MRIs are usually ordered to diagnose abnormalities such as tumors and brain aneurysms. If a CT scan is inconclusive, the next step is often an MRI.  MRIs are less detailed than CT scans, but provide more soft tissue details; useful for brain scans in particular.
  • MRIs generally take an average of about half an hour to take an image, though it can be as quick as 15 minutes or as long as 2 hours. You may be given a calming sedative if you are nervous, or music may be played for you. You have to be perfectly still during the MRI procedure.
  • MRIs don’t involve any ionizing radiation and thus are considered “safer” than CT scans. If contrast dye is used, there is a small risk of allergic reaction, so inform your doctor of any allergies or sensitivities so they can cross check ingredients.
  • Remember to always tell your doctor if you have metal in your body, as this precludes an MRTI. Also remove any metal such as piercings, jewelry, etc before your MRI.

Remember, if you have to have an MRI or a CT scan and the insurance will not cover it, you can use your 2BenefitU Imaging Benefit for deep discounts at participating providers.

9 Tips for Lowering your Medical Bills

9 Tips for Lowering your Medical Bills

Even with the ACA in place, medical bills can quickly spiral out of control. How can you lower your costs? These tips can help.

  1. If you have a PPO, always double check to ensure that your doctor is in-network. This is particularly important when you receive a referral from your primary care physician, who may not be able to keep every insurance plan committed to memory. Before you leave the office, have them call and ensure the specialist is in-network. Our Health Advocacy Benefit could save you hours by helping check on these potential issues.
  2. Ask about options. If the cost of the treatment prescribed is overwhelming, find out if every test is strictly necessary. If test A could confirm or rule out a problem, perhaps getting it first instead of bundled with test B,C, and D is the smart move. Our Lab Testing and Scans Benefit could also seriously cut down on these costs.
  3. For items which are more expensive to pay your co-pay on, ask what your doctor’s office cash discount price is. You might be surprised at the difference. The Medical Bill Saver Benefit can often save you up to 60% off of services – better than your insurance company!
  4. Speaking of pharmaceutical costs, ask about generics. Sometimes it’s cheaper to pay out of pocket for a generic than to pay the copay for a 2nd or 3rd tier drug. There might even be an OTC option you can use some of your pre-tax health savings account dollars for. Our Discount Pharmacy Card Benefit can provide deep discounts even on generic drugs.
  5. Look at your medical bills. A whopping 9 out of 10 hospital bills have overcharges that are missed by the patient. Ask for an itemized bill and look for errors. Insurance companies incorrectly handle claims as well, so don’t be shy asking for an audit of your bill by your claim manager. Medical Bill Saver can be a lifesaver here, finding savings up to 60%.
  6. Make sure you are up-to-date on what is covered and not covered. You might be surprised that you have unused coverage you could be benefiting from, and you also might discover that there are certain areas you’d do better negotiating on your own for. Better yet, use our Health Advocacy Benefit to negotiate on your behalf and save yourself the hassle!
  7. Talk to your doctor’s office staff and make friends with them. They’ll be more eager to help you watch for errors and to help you with any discounts the office offers if they know you appreciate it – a basket of fruit or a box of homemade cupcakes or muffins can really mean a lot.
  8. Ask about payment schedules if you know a co-pay is going to be hard to manage. Have a number in mind that your budget can bear and go in asking for a slightly lower number so you have wiggle room. Medical Bill Saver can come to the rescue if you need a negotiator.

Obviously, if you have 2BenefitU plan, you can always use the mentioned benefits to help track down areas you are overpaying in and lower your healthcare costs. These are just several of the many money-saving benefits you get when you have a subscription!

Hear that

Do You Hear That? It’s a Benefit Calling Your Name

Amazingly, people who need hearing aids often go ten years past the time when they should have gotten them fitted before they give in and acquire their first set. The reasons are many; people associate needing a hearing aid with being “old”, they are too vain for a hearing aid, the cost is prohibitive.

In addition, many doctors don’t start testing hearing in adults until well after they have started suffering hearing loss. This is behind the times – people are losing hearing function at earlier ages than ever due to environmental noise; loud buzzing, screeching, or electronic feedback in the workplace; constant use of earbuds, headphones and Bluetooth devices, and more.

Getting your hearing tested and following up with the hearing aids you need is easy with 2BenefitU’s hearing benefit. When you have this benefit, you get:

  • A free initial hearing screening to help detect signs of hearing loss
  • Up to 35% savings on hearing aids at thousands of provider locations across the country
  • Access to a convenient mail order service where you can save 40 to 60% on over 100 makes of hearing aids, and have them shipped straight to your door.
  • A two year supply of hearing aid batteries
  • A two year warrantee with a one-time replacement  for covered losses and damages
  • Unlimited follow-up care for cleaning and checkups with purchase
  • 100% Service Satisfaction Guarantee during the first 60 days
  • Patient financing options
  • The latest technology in all models, so you can be sure you’re getting the highest quality products available.   

You can use your discount card as many times as needed, for yourself, your spouse, and your legal dependents. Choose your provider from a list of thousands, get your free screenings, and follow up with hearing aids as needed, choosing from six different brands.

Don’t let vanity get in the way of hearing the world in clear surround sound! If your hearing has been damaged or diminished, even if you aren’t a senior citizen, you can take advantage of this benefit and get the crystal clear hearing you deserve.

Like all of our benefits, the hearing aid benefit doesn’t come alone! It’s part of a package with up to 20 other benefits you can use for yourself and your family starting at just $19.95 per month per household.

Alternative Medicine

Frustrated by Lack of Access to Alternative Medicine? Get the Help you Need!

Alternative medicine is changing the way Americans think about healthcare! While alternative methods can’t cure every condition, they can be extremely helpful with chronic ailments and provide a solid back-up to traditional medicine when needed. For example:

  • Chronic nerve pain can often be reduced and partially managed with alternative medicine when popping pain pills only dampens the issue. Different people react differently, but many find help from massage therapy and acupuncture.
  • Migraines can be mitigated, lessened, and even reduced in occurrence frequency with treatments like aromatherapy, massage, acupuncture and acupressure.
  • Back pain can be helped with careful yoga in some cases (make sure your doctor and your class leader are working together for safety)
  • Digestive issues can be helped with nutritional counseling to figure out what your body tolerates and when it needs special coddling.

More and more patients and physicians are choosing to use alternative medicine as a less invasive treatment for a variety of issues, and as a supplementary treatment for major problems that can be treated medically but have numerous side effects.  

With 2BenefitU’s Alternative Medicine benefit, you can save 10 to 30% on treatments such as acupuncture, yoga, massage therapy, aroma therapy, nutritional counseling, and more. It’s easy to use, easy to save and you can choose from among over 43,000 participating providers working in over 40 different specialties nationwide to find a practitioner and a location that’s right for you.

Unlike many benefit programs, you can use this benefit as many times as needed, saving on each appointment as you bring your health into line with your lifestyle. You can try new things at a discounted rate, finding out what works for you and your condition, whether you suffer from constant headaches, live with daily chronic pain in your joints or muscles, are seeking a way to meditate and calm your brain, and more.

Biofeedback for insomnia issues; hypnotherapy to help you lose weight or quit smoking; reflexology to cut down on muscle cramps or other pain, yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates for extra flexibility and better core health are all available.

Don’t give up on the possibilities that alternative medicine may hold just because it’s usually not covered by insurance. Discounts with this special benefit can bring your costs for out-of-pocket treatment down to manageable levels. Start using the alternative medicine benefit today, and start being a healthier, happier you.

The best part of this benefit is it doesn’t come alone. It’s part of a package with up to 20 more amazing benefits starting at just $19.95 a month, helping you stay healthy, grow your wealth, and feel fantastic.

Have a Legal Question- Experts Have Answers!

Have a Legal Question? Experts Have Answers!

Getting basic legal advice can be hard, and this keeps many people from pursuing action or defending themselves adequately in times of legal trouble.

Consider this: 22% of American adults say they have had a legal issue in the past year that could have warranted hiring a lawyer. However, 50% of Americans with minor children don’t have a will – and 41% of baby boomers don’t, either.

The problem? Lawyers are expensive. In 2012, the average hourly billing rate for a partner in a law firm was $536, and the billing rate for an associate was $370 per hour.

The law is a tricky thing, and knowing the ins and outs of the legal system can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars on situations ranging from traffic tickets and real estate closing costs to creating a will or filing for divorce or bankruptcy.

Very few people have thousands of dollars to spend when they end up needing a lawyer, and most have to forgo the help of an experienced attorney simply because they can’t come up with the cold hard cash.

Unless you are lucky enough to have a lawyer in the family to turn to in times of need, you may find yourself woefully underrepresented in times when you really need a savvy, experienced practitioner to back you up.

In many cases, simply knowing the law can put you ahead of the game, whether it’s having the knowledge of the local laws regarding returns of rental deposits to insist on your due, to being able to stand up for yourself against a threat of a lawsuit over the phone from someone posing as a collector.

Legal Care Direct gives you access to legal answers from experienced lawyers at discounted rates. Professional attorneys can help with traffic tickets, bankruptcy, divorce, and spousal and child support. Additional services are also available at no cost to you!

  • Free services* include one-on-one consultations, attorney-made phone calls, help with legal documents, assistance with welfare and INS, representation in small claims court, and a Simple and Living Will.
  • In-plan attorneys only charge a maximum of $125 an hour or 40% off their hourly rate, whichever is greater, for cases that require more than the free services offered.
  • You also can get 10% off all contingency-based cases (cases in which a settlement is expected and the lawyer agrees to represent you and be paid from the settlement, if any, or forgo the fee in case of a loss).
  • You’ll be referred to plan attorneys based your location, language and area of law.

Legal Care Direct is part of 2BenefitU’s Ultimate package – which gives you 23 benefits for one low monthly rate of $29.95. Just a onetime use of an attorney’s services could pay for several months up to a year of the entire range of benefits!

*In certain situations, attorney liability may require plan attorneys to ask for a retainer prior to providing some of the free legal services.


Get Lab Tests Done at a Discount

Lab tests are a large out-of-pocket expense for those without adequate insurance coverage – and some lab tests you feel you need may not be covered at all. When you need fast, accurate results being able to select the test you need and have it done quickly and without great expense can be a huge load off of your mind.

The 2BenefitU Direct Labs benefit is one of over 15 benefits you receive at the Plus level plan – and it could pay for your plan all by itself in savings over typical lab costs.

For example, it can be hard to get your doctor to order (or your insurance company to cover) tests like thyroid, fertility, allergies and vitamin levels. When you have the Direct Labs benefit, you can schedule these yourself and pay a low cost that is anywhere from 10-80% off of the typical costs for lab work.

Need liver function checked or an update on cholesterol levels? No problem. Just schedule your test to be done at one of over 1500 major clinical laboratories nationwide, and watch the savings mount up. You can find a location easily and order your test to be done online, or by phone, then all you have to do is show up and pay the discounted rate.

Your results are completely confidential, and you could receive them in as little as 24 hours for most tests. You deserve to know your numbers without worrying about whether or not you are “approved” for that information.

Lab tests can make all the difference when you suspect you may have a condition your doctor has missed. When you can’t get a lab ordered through your ordinary medical team, or feel like you’ve been blown off, you have the option and the right to get your results your own way – and armed with all the information you find, you can insist on a proper diagnosis.

Even if your doctor does order the tests you need, many patients get bogged down when the insurance company decides the reasons aren’t valid enough or the test isn’t covered. With a Direct labs benefit, you can take care of the issue yourself with a direct discount on the tests you need.

Join 2BenefitU as a Plus member today, and enjoy discounts on lab testing, medical devices, vision, hearing, and more. You’ll even have access to a Teladoc™ and Nurseline™ in case you need some advice. It’s the best benefits plan you could hope for, all for one low monthly cost of $19.95.

Diabetes Management Made Simple

Supplies for Diabetes Management Made Simple

Diabetes can be hard to manage, but big savings on supplies can make life easier. If you or a family member have been diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, or pre-diabetic conditions, you are already aware of the monthly and annual expenses involved in monitoring your blood sugar levels.

From the lancets to prick your finger with, to the strips that collect the test samples, to the machine that analyzes your blood glucose, there are dozens of items needed each week. The associated out of pocket expenses for your supplies for diabetes management can be overwhelming – especially if your insurance plan refuses to cover everything you need on a monthly basis.

When you have a 2BenefitU Plus membership plan, your out of pocket diabetic supply costs can be cut significantly. The savings for just one family member who needs daily monitoring can be huge.

Many doctors wish their diabetes patients could test their blood glucose more often, but insurance companies won’t approve coverage for the recommended testing schedules. With access to inexpensive supplies, you can monitor your diabetes as closely as your doctor suggests, and prevent additional complications from diabetes by detecting changes in your levels early.

With a Plus plan from 2BenefitU, diabetes management supplies are just one of over 15 benefits included in the plan. You can start saving instantly, getting 60% off average retail prices plus free shipping on all packages, and an extra 15% off any single order item.

Qualifying packages include a premier glucose meter, control solution, test strips, lancets and lancing device, so you’ll always have everything you need to manage your diabetes safely and accurately.  

Packages range in size and cost from $29.99 per month to $169.99 per month. You can choose the package that fits your needs- whether you are being forced to cover all of your diabetic supplies costs yourself, or your insurance company fails to approve the necessary amount of supplies you really need to keep your condition under control.

You’ll never run out of supplies or wait in long lines to get refills for lancets or strips only to be told the pharmacy or superstore is out of your brand. This benefit offers easy ordering, regular shipments and convenient home delivery that is fast and discreet, so you can live your life without worrying over running out or missing a glucose spike because you didn’t have enough supplies to test regularly.

Sign up for a Plus package today, and enjoy savings on diabetic supplies as well as all the other benefits you qualify for.

Does your health care need a roadmap? There’s an advocate for that.

It’s a familiar picture for many Americans – the mail comes and there’s a pile of envelopes from various medical providers, insurance companies, third party labs. All of the balances and codes can leave you wondering what you pay your insurance premiums for.  Healthcare is so complex these days…

For most people, it’s just not worth the time to spend on the phone trying to sort out and make sense of the mess.  Not all of the charges may be accurate – but how are you to know? A Health Advocate™ can help you find your way through the tangle that comprises healthcare and insurance systems, and Medical Bill Saver™ can negotiate medical bills down to reasonable levels.

How does it work?

Personal Health Advocates can provide invaluable guidance when you are entangled with insurance and healthcare systems. They can:

  • Locate doctors, dentists, specialists, pharmacies, and hospitals
  • Clarify benefits
  • Research and answer questions about treatments, tests, and medications
  • Provide medical explanations so you can make informed choices about your care
  • Arrange second opinions, if needed
  • Transfer medical records
  • Coordinate care between medical providers
  • Help with associated issues like eldercare
  • Provide information about generic drugs
  • Find options for non-covered services

Skilled negotiators are also available to help lower your out of pocket costs with Medical Bill Saver™. These experts:

  • Know the ins and outs of billing practices
  • Can review and explain your health care bills
  • Will attempt to negotiate discounts on your behalf

Once an agreement is made, your personal negotiator will have the provider sign off on the payment terms and conditions, and you’ll receive a personal Savings Results Statement that explains your new, lower amount due and where the savings were gained.

Stop paying medical bills without question. Your healthcare isn’t negotiable, but the costs are! The benefits from these two features alone can save your family hundreds of dollars in discounted medical bills every year. Best of all, these are just two of the up to twenty features that can improve your medical and financial health, with household 2BenefitU enhanced health and wellness benefit memberships starting at just $15.95 per month.