

Pet Rabbit Care Tips for a Happy, Healthy Bunny

A rabbit is a great pet, but proper care is what will keep your pet bunny happy and healthy. These tips can make rabbit ownership easy and fun!

Build a diet plan. Contrary to popular belief, rabbits can’t live on carrots and iceberg lettuce. Carrots are meant to be given as a side dish, among other fruits and veggies, and iceberg lettuce is actually dangerous for your rabbit. Try deep greens like spinach and romaine lettuce instead, or even a cheaper alternative such as kale. For the most part, your bunny’s diet should consist of hay and grass, so be sure to give them lots of crunchy munchies!

Get a friend! Bunnies are a social species, so without proper companionship, your bunny may become depressed. Guinea pigs can sometimes suffice as a suitable house-mate, but nothing can really fill the void only a bunny can fill. Try pairing two females together, or get a fixed bunny of the opposite sex.

Provide a proper living space. While cages and hutches may provide a suitable sleeping quarter for a bunny, this is no way to live. Bunnies need space to run and play, as well as regular adventures outside their hutches or homes. Make sure your bunny can hop a few strides in their cage or hutch, and purchase a halter or a rabbit run for their outdoor play.

Groom your rabbit. While rabbits do not require as much care as a short-haired cat or dog, every pet needs some TLC from time to time. Purchasing a brush and some nail clippers will usually suffice, but you should avoid bathing your rabbit too often, as bunnies can easily fall prey to hypothermia if they get too cold.

Clean up after your rabbit. A bunny is only as clean as their living space, so be sure to dump hutch-pans and replace bedding regularly. Your bunny will appreciate the gesture more than you know, and it will smell much better too.

Provide entertainment and exercise. While a good dash in the grass can brighten any bunny’s life, no animal is happier than a rabbit with toys. Bunnies love toys, from rattle-balls to treat-toys. Just make sure nothing can pose a hazard to them, such as small pieces or toxic substances.

Give them veterinary care. Just like a cat or dog, bunnies need the vet sometimes. 2BenefitU’s Pet Care Benefit provides discounts at the vet for bunny care, too.

Plan ahead. A rabbit is not a fair weather pet. Just like a dog or a cat, a bunny is a commitment, and you should think about your future and where they will fit into it. Treat them gently, feed them right, and love them, and a rabbit can become a steadfast companion for many years!